App Description

AirLauncher is a dynamic shortcut launcher built natively for visionOS. The app allows you to setup a widget of apps, contacts & websites for instant app launching without having to touch a hardware button or invoke Siri on Apple Vision Pro. Apps can be added directly from our database of known app launch urls, contacts can be added directly from your contact list, and websites can be dropped in from the Safari URL bar. In addition, you can manually add any system or website URL, and customize your own icons via your Photo Library.



About the developer

AirLauncher was built by Jason Clardy, an indie iOS developer living in Wendell, North Carolina. I built the app because after my first day of using Apple Vision Pro I quickly realized how annoying it was to launch apps, especially after going on a binge of App Store downloads. My favorite apps were now scattered across 10 different app pages that I had to scroll through to launch them, and other iPad apps were stuck in a seperately organized folder in the Compatability Apps section. AirLauncher was built to fill this hole, and to also expand on it, allowing for links to websites which are currently missing app experiences, and adding your loved ones as contacts to open directly to messages.